Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How Stupid Are We Supposed To Be?

Why do we let politicians, the media, and special interest groups treat us as if we are stupid and lazy?  Is it because we as an American people have demonstrated a willingness to believe without questioning what some people tell us?  Is it that they count on us being too lazy to check?  

The 2009 Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson's movie The Invention of Lying put forth the idea about what the world might be like if no one ever told a lie.  Everyone would always believe exactly what everyone else said because nobody even knew what a lie was.  That was until one day the main character, Mark, told the first lie ever.  But because everyone believed exactly what he said, no matter how ridiculous it was, Mark found out that he had immense power to control the minds, beliefs, and actions of the entire world.  As one watches the people in the movie, one can't help but wonder how people can be so gullible and naive.  The sad truth is, we don't have to go far to find people who display many of those same characteristics in real life.  

It seems that as Americans we have become so complacent that politicians, the media and special interest groups believe that if we are told something often enough that we are just going to assume that it must be true.  In fact, they not only believe that, they count on it.  They count on it so much that when people demonstrate a belief contrary to those that they have been force fed, they are painted at having been manipulated or uninformed or even worse, as having their opinion and their vote bought.

Look at the recent discussion regarding the spending that corporations and SuperPACs have been making for political purposes.  One side wants to restore limits placed on these individuals because they believe they are unfairly influencing the outcomes of elections.  Democrats continually point to outcome of the Wisconsin recall elections as one of their cases-in-point.  They say that the outcome was largely due to being outspent in the state by their Republican rivals and their supporters.  They give little or no credence to the idea that the citizens of Wisconsin might have minds of their own and voted the way they truly believed.

It is insulting to believe that just because a SuperPAC puts out a message that people will blinding believe it, but even if for the sake of argument we assume that that may have some validity, if we are going to put constraints on these special interest groups, how about leveling the playing field even further by placing limits on Hollywood and the media trying to influence political views as well?  Of course the argument will be that those things are protected as free speech, freedom of the press and freedom of expression, especially for the writers, producers, directors and actors.  But movies and TV shows are rarely funded by an individual anymore.  They are funded by groups of investors and/or corporations that either believe in the message of the project or they believe in the potential of the project to make them a profit.  Aren't people and corporations that donate money to a SuperPAC donating because they believe in either the message or the ability of the outcome of the SuperPAC's goal to ultimately make them a profit?  I understand that people make the case that donors to these SuperPACs should be disclosed, but we allow anonymous free speech in this country, especially in the age of the internet.

Politicians also believe that we as American have very short memory spans.  For example, yesterday in response to the United States Supreme Court's decision regarding the Arizona Immigration Law SB1070, Congresswoman and Chair of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Shultz, said, "I’m pleased that the Supreme Court struck down most of the ill-conceived provisions within this law."  Who reading this doesn't believe that if two days from now the Supreme Court rules similarly on ObamaCare, Congresswoman Wasserman Shultz won't be demonizing the Court?  It is much the same when Democrats point to the alleged political "fishing expedition" by the Republicans regarding Operation Fast and Furious and Attorney General Eric Holder.  Are the Democrats counting on the American people forgetting their similar efforts in 2007 regarding then Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and the firing of U.S. Attorneys?  

Democrats don't hold the monopoly on counting on short memories on the part of Americans.  Former Republican Presidential Primary challengers of Mitt Romney are hoping that now that they have endorsed Romney for President that the American people will forget all the bad things that they said about him in the primaries.  The only person hoping for that more is perhaps Mitt Romney himself.

Limiting the spending that SuperPACs and corporations can make for political purposes is not the answer, even if we include limits those who cite "artistic purposes" as is often the claim by those in Hollywood.  Rarely when politicians call for limiting one side or the other in any way, is the purpose to really promote fairness in the process.  It is usually to restore the advantage that that side felt they enjoyed before the "unfairness" began in the first place.  

If we as American are willing to turn a blind eye to the manipulation, lies, and dishonest tactics perpetrated on us from the various sides of the political spectrum, then we are bound to continue to suffer for it.  The only way for us as Americans to take back the power and the discourse from the political elite is to ensure that we make our decisions by being well informed.  

A friend of mine from high school and I regularly converse over social media regarding a wide array of political and social topics.  While we rarely agree, I have a great amount of respect for my friend as he rarely relies on information that he hasn't thoroughly researched prior to forming his opinion.  We both come to the discussion with well thought out and well researched views and even when we sometimes cross the line due to our passion for those views, we always manage to return to that sense of respect that we started our discussion with, even if we still don't agree at all.  

My friend and I don't count on just the information that politicians, the media and special interest groups tell us.  We confirm and test that information to see if it is valid and if it can be useful in helping us develop our own opinions.  Part of the reason for that is that we recognize that they each have lied, distorted or ignored the truth, or tried to manipulate people before and we are unwilling to fall for it.  But so many people are willing to still give these groups the benefit of the doubt even after having been deceived.

In his 1987 movie Raw, Eddie Murphy tells a story about a husband whose wife walks in on him and another women in the act of having sex.  The wife storms out of the room and her naked husband follows  her.  When she asks him how he could cheat on her, he responds by saying, "Wasn't me."   When she reminds him that she caught him in the act, he again says, "Wasn't me."  When the wife challenges him one more time, the husband repeats, "Wasn't me."  To which the wife responds, "Well maybe it wasn't you."  Politicians, the media and special interest groups have treated us just like the wife in Murphy's story.  And the reason that they have been able to do it for so long is that we have been willing to believe the lies even when we know the truth, all because it is easier to do so than to have to take the chance that we may have to face the hard truth.  As long as we are willing to take the easy way out, others will let us, as long as we are willing to give them our vote.

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